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CrossFit Pensacola - CrossFit VU

crossfitvucrossfitvu | dodany 3365 dni 22 godziny 9 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj - This is an episode from the Fitness Friday segment on The Daily Brew where coaches Lex Egea and Fallon Rudisill of CrossFit VU in Pensacola, Florida demonstrate several kettle bell exercises. This is their second appearance as guests on the show and first since taking ownership of the gym, where they have doubled their membership size. CrossFit VU offers personal training and group classes for men and women. View the original video on YouTube at:... więcej...
CrossFit Pensacola - CrossFit VU

CrossFit Pensacola - CrossFit VU

crossfitvuzcrossfitvuz | dodany 3392 dni 1 godzinę 48 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj - CrossFit boxes in Pensacola offer comparable benefits, however everybody has an unique setting and sense of neighborhood. więcej...
CrossFit Pensacola - CrossFit VU

CrossFit Pensacola - CrossFit VU

crossfitvu1crossfitvu1 | dodany 3394 dni 4 godziny 47 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj - CrossFit boxes in Pensacola offer comparable benefits, however everybody has an unique setting and sense of neighborhood. więcej...
CrossFit Pensacola - CrossFit VU

Pensacola Irrigation Company

anderson4tanderson4t | dodany 3766 dni 17 godzin 58 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
The company's priority started with residential lawn maintenance and soon moved on to commercial ground maintenance. więcej...
Pensacola Irrigation Company