ignaciomeloz ignaciomeloz w Spisie od 07.09.2014
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How to Insert the AVX 9159 IDC Plug and Socket Wire Assemblies

ignaciomelozignaciomeloz | dodany 3674 dni 1 godzinę 43 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/Search.aspx?dsNav=Ntk:ManufacturerPartNumberUpshiftedSearch%7c*9159*%7c1%7c,Ny:True,Ro:0,Nea:True,N:4294938432-490 . In this video we will show the insertion of the 9159 IDC Plug and Socket Wire Assemblies. For this demonstration the plug connector will be used. Caps are available in both through and stop configuration. In the stop configuration the cap can be placed in either direction to achieve the wire direction required. http://youtu.be/04zncXszCn0 więcej...
komentarze (0) | kategoria: Kraj | tagi: 9159-idc-plug
How to Insert the AVX 9159 IDC Plug and Socket Wire Assemblies