hillaryclinton6 hillaryclinton6 w Spisie od 22.01.2016
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Hillary Clinton receives award for killing babies for donor organs

hillaryclinton6hillaryclinton6 | dodany 3083 dni 15 godzin 42 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Hillary Clinton supports Planned Parenthood It almost got unnoticed in the news that Hillary Clinton supports funding of Planned Parenthood and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) loves Hillary back by giving her their highest honour -- PPFA Margaret Sanger Award. Lets stop for a minute and see what Hillary really supports. She supports the very organization that promoted abortions and then salvaged dead and unborn babies' parts and sells them for donor use and... więcej...
Hillary Clinton receives award for killing babies for donor organs