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PADI IDC Indonesia, Gili Islands 2015

divzexaqdivzexaq | dodany 3138 dni 15 godzin 42 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
http://gili-idc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/padi_idc_indonesia_gili_islands_2016.pdf - Check out the PADI IDC Indonesia 2015 Program. During 2015 over 100 Professional Divemasters chose the PADI IDC Gili Islands Program and Award Winning Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod to take their PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC). The program is offered every month at Trawangan Dive; the only PADI 5 Star IDC Career Development Center (CDC) on the island of Gili Trawangan. więcej...
PADI IDC Indonesia, Gili Islands 2015