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Armenia , My Love (2016) HD TRAILER Teaser (+)

armeniamylovearmeniamylove | dodany 3052 dni 12 godzin 54 minuty temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Armenia, My Love (2016) HD TRAILER Teaser , Directed by Diana Angelson, Starring Shake Tukhmanyan, Arman Nshanian , Nazo Bravo, Diana Angelson, Lyudmila Grigoryan, Petru Georoiu , Anatol Rezmeritza , Leo Zaza , Maria Julieta Georoiu The destiny of a happy Armenian family, living in Turkey, in 1915, whose beautiful dreams will become memories in the eyes of the most famous Armenian American artist, who lives to paint the story of his shattered childhood. więcej...
Armenia , My Love (2016) HD TRAILER Teaser