kids4vancouver kids4vancouver w Spisie od 18.01.2016
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Chinese buyers reject Vancouver Surrey BC high-'radiation' new home for sale

kids4vancouverkids4vancouver | dodany 3166 dni 16 godzin 18 minut temu | () | Dodaj do obserwowanych obserwuj
Testing for EMF/ELF near high-voltage power lines and WiFi RF shows meter readings over 1 milligauss in Surrey and Marpole, Vancouver, BC. Chinese buyers often consider EMF as 'radiation' and seem to know more about health hazards than long-time residents, except for those who know that their farm neighbors who lived under high-voltage power lines allegedly died from leukemia. 中国买家拒绝温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里高'radiation “新家庭出售... więcej...
Chinese buyers reject Vancouver Surrey BC high-'radiation' new home for sale